We hope that through this we'll be able to share with our family and friends what's happening in our lives and what God's teaching us through it. Hope you enjoy reading about the joys, trials, and fun times of our family!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Happy 2 months Olivia!

I cannot believe our baby girl is already 2 months old!! I seriously feel like I had her last week! I know people say the time flies and to enjoy every moment and I'm trying to soak it up, but it's going so much faster than I imagined it would. She's such a good baby and we have so much fun with her. It's crazy how she changes every day. She's started to smile a lot more recently..we love it :)
Some of her favorite things are:
-Taking baths
-riding in the car
-when I sing "You are my Sunshine"
-her pacifier
- getting her diaper changed(she smiles the whole time lol)
- peek-a-boo(she just started smiling at this game in the last couple days)
-when daddy 'tickles' her
-getting her ears rubbed
-being kissed in between her eyebrows
-getting lotion rubbed on her face
-the miracle blanket
-her sling
I can't wait to get to watch her grow and change more over the next month, but part of me wishes she could always stay as little as she is now!

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