Becoming a mom has been the most amazing and life changing thing, just like everyone said it would be. God has already used it to teach me a lot of things, some of the things are fun to learn, others not so much..and I know it's just the beginning :)...
-Spit up in your hair dries quickly and you can't even tell it's there!
-I can functioin on much less sleep than ever before
-Olivia has brought more joy to our lives than I ever thought possible
-I'm much more selfish than I'd like to admit
-I love being able to wake up & hold her every morning(even when it is 3am)
-It is possible for babies to projectile vomit even with the bottle still in their mouth(poor baby!)
-God truly does equip us to do what He's called us to
-I am in awe of people who have twins,triplets, etc. b/c taking care of more than 1 infant at a time is a huge job!
I'm still amazed that God entrusts us with these tiny little miracles to love, teach, and raise. It's such an important job that we're not deserving of, but with His grace and guidance we're trying :)
I completely agree on all these! haha Especially the sleep part... crazy how you just start running great on less sleep! Never thought it was possible haha