We hope that through this we'll be able to share with our family and friends what's happening in our lives and what God's teaching us through it. Hope you enjoy reading about the joys, trials, and fun times of our family!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Officially not homeowners

So after being in our house in Prairieville for a whole 6 months we have sold our house! The closing was yesterday and it was definitely bittersweet...SOO thankful that we were able to sell it and won't be paying 2 notes for who knows how long, but sad too because we loved that house! And we never knew it would cost so much to sell a house! lol..we paid 3 times as much at the closing this time than we did at the closing when we were buying..that just seems so backwards..then at least we were getting a house but this time all we got were the curtains we took with us haha ..but ohh well...hopefully the house will be a blessing to the guy who bought it! For now we're renting and it's perfect for us at this point :)


Sunday, February 26, 2012

A weekend of showers!

My trip home so far has been sooo fun and busy! I had 3 showers this weekend! One baby shower was for a friend..it's so fun to have friends pregnant at the same time as you. It's crazy how everyone's pregnancy is different and everyone carries different, has different symptoms worse, etc. I also helped give a couples shower which was so fun! Weddings are sooo exciting and engaged couples are just so cute-it always brings back sweet memories from that time in me and Josh's relationship :) and then I had my baby shower today!! It was sooo much fun and meant so much to us. It was the last one before the baby gets here..that makes it seem so close! I can't wait to get back to Memphis now and put all the stuff in the baby's room! Josh finished putting the dresser together so it's just waiting for me to fill it up!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Memphis so far!

Josh and I officially live in Memphis, Tennessee now! Crazy...it feels like it's been a lot longer than 2 weeks since we've moved there. I'm actually typing this from my parents house in Baton Rouge. I kinda feel like I live in between the 2 cities at this point. I guess I'll go back to how it was for the 2 weeks that we were in Memphis though...it's really been a lot better than I anticipated. Maybe expecting the worst was a good thing! lol...The weekend we moved my mom came up and helped us unpack and get everything set up and she was amazing! Josh and I would've definitely taken a lot more breaks and gotten a lot less done without her there. Dropping her off at the airport that Sunday was probably the saddest part of it all so far. I cried the whole way home. But Josh was so sweet and comforting. He just let me cry and hugged me. We spent the rest of the day finishing unpacking our clothes and shoes, so that was a nice distraction. The rest of the week it was sort of like we were just on a not so exciting vacation lol..Josh didn't have work so we spent the days running errands and hanging stuff on walls/putting stuff together, we played a lot of peanuts(a card game we love), and we watched a red box movie almost every night! Thursday he started his new job at Fedex and thankfully he loves it!! We kept joking that he better like it because we moved our lives there for it, but honestly we feel that God has called us there and him loving his job feels like some sort of confirmation that we aren't completely crazy. There were hard times for me during the week. Just little things would make me think of something and then it was all over. It was always things that are probably so silly too- like when we saw a mom and her daughter shopping at kroger it made me think that me and my mom won't do that anymore, or when I called my mom and my brothers were over there having dinner and I knew we would be too if we lived there still- but every time Josh was so understanding and sweet. God definitely knew I would need a husband like him. I was nervous that it would be really hard once Josh started working, especially because we don't have cable or internet hooked up yet, but if you sleep til 10:30 it's really not that hard to find things to fill the rest of your day :)...talking and texting sweet friends has helped too and of course reading God's word and journaling has been something I always need to do but in Baton Rouge I had a lot more excuses to put those things to the side. Maybe that's one of the many things God's trying to teach me through this move. I've also realized that the times when I get sad and struggle are the times when I allow myself to think and dwell on the way I/we had planned and pictured things -like how I pictured every holiday at our old house and our new baby being there, how we planned on being there for 5-10 years and were only there for 6 months, how I envisioned our baby being born with all of our family and friends there- but those were my plans not necessarily Gods "To man belong the plans of the heart, but from the Lord comes the reply of the tongue." Proverbs 16:1...when I remind myself that those things weren't promised to us and obviously aren't what God saw best for us and our family it gives me a peace and contentment. I have to continually remind myself of that though :). Anyway...Saturday Josh painted the baby's room!! He did a great job, it looks like a professional did it! He wouldn't let me help, except for like 2 rolls with the rolling brush, b/c he says I'm not a good painter with my terrible eyes haha..he's right though. The next night we put together the dresser which wasn't that hard...except we still haven't done the drawers. I didn't realize this when we bought it, but apparently they think we're carpenters b/c we have to basically build the drawers!! lol...they gave us square pieces of wood, some screws, and a couple other parts and you have to do it yourself!! Monday my mom came in town!!! They had the whole week off for Mardi Gras so she drove up :)..it was SOO fun! We shopped and ran errands during the day, had lunch with Josh one day, I cooked for us at night and we'd play cards and just hang out..it was great! Josh found out on Monday that he has to go to Ohio next week for work though :(...so that's why I drove back with my mom this weekend (Josh and I were both planning on coming this weekend for showers I'm giving/going to and for my baby shower) and he'll come get me when he gets back next weekend...I'm already missing him...this is the longest we've been apart but thankfully I have lots to keep me busy here! And I'm hoping he'll have those drawers built by the time I get home! haha

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Packing day...

So today was the day that the movers came and packed up our house. It was really weird seeing our house all packed up, I feel like we just did this 6 months ago, because we did! lol...As sad as it was for this move to start becoming a reality I am SOOOO thankful that we didn't have to pack it and we don't have to move it! God has already provided so much for us through this whole process...and it's just the beginning. We were able to find a rental home the first weekend we visited Memphis. We've met a few people through our friend Casey that works out of Memphis. He made it to where Josh's work provided us with a moving company to move us. He's given us supportive and encouraging family and friends to be sad and happy with us. We've also had a couple offers on our house! We're praying that one of the offers works out and we're able to be in contract before the end of the week...It's so neat to see how God really does go before us and work things out for His glory and our good. I know I'm going to have to remind myself that a lot in the next few months because I know at times I will be so sad that all I can think about is myself. But it times like that that God reminds us of His faithfulness and that He is with us. Tonight we're having dinner with my family one last time before the move..I know that will be so hard and I'm sure there will be lots of tears but the good news is we'll be back in a few weekends for wedding/baby showers! I feel like I'm in school again when you just look forward to the times off to get through the school year except now we'll look forward to each visit :)...Ok well that's all for now..I'll write again soon!