We hope that through this we'll be able to share with our family and friends what's happening in our lives and what God's teaching us through it. Hope you enjoy reading about the joys, trials, and fun times of our family!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Packing day...

So today was the day that the movers came and packed up our house. It was really weird seeing our house all packed up, I feel like we just did this 6 months ago, because we did! lol...As sad as it was for this move to start becoming a reality I am SOOOO thankful that we didn't have to pack it and we don't have to move it! God has already provided so much for us through this whole process...and it's just the beginning. We were able to find a rental home the first weekend we visited Memphis. We've met a few people through our friend Casey that works out of Memphis. He made it to where Josh's work provided us with a moving company to move us. He's given us supportive and encouraging family and friends to be sad and happy with us. We've also had a couple offers on our house! We're praying that one of the offers works out and we're able to be in contract before the end of the week...It's so neat to see how God really does go before us and work things out for His glory and our good. I know I'm going to have to remind myself that a lot in the next few months because I know at times I will be so sad that all I can think about is myself. But it times like that that God reminds us of His faithfulness and that He is with us. Tonight we're having dinner with my family one last time before the move..I know that will be so hard and I'm sure there will be lots of tears but the good news is we'll be back in a few weekends for wedding/baby showers! I feel like I'm in school again when you just look forward to the times off to get through the school year except now we'll look forward to each visit :)...Ok well that's all for now..I'll write again soon!



  1. I know it's a hard process, especially with the baby on the way, but I'm also SO excited that you guys will be closer to us too! Scott & I have talked multiple times about how much more we can visit now. And like you said "It's so neat to see how God really does go before us and work things out for His glory and our good." We will see you soon...and great job on your 1st post! LOVE YOU!!

    1. Thanks Carrie! I know that is definitely a plus!! love you too :)

  2. Gosh that made me sad. It is so familiar. It is during the hard times that we are able to see His faithfulness much more clearly. This will be a great move for you guys. It will be a chance to really be a family and rely on one another and grow together in a place that is new to both of you. Look forward to seeing you all really soon. So how many bedrooms does this rental have? You know we will need to come visit :)

  3. Hannah and Josh ... Wishing you all the best in this new chapter in your life! I am sure it will be an amazing adventure for you both!

  4. Can't wait to hear more on how its going and all!
