We hope that through this we'll be able to share with our family and friends what's happening in our lives and what God's teaching us through it. Hope you enjoy reading about the joys, trials, and fun times of our family!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

A weekend of showers!

My trip home so far has been sooo fun and busy! I had 3 showers this weekend! One baby shower was for a friend..it's so fun to have friends pregnant at the same time as you. It's crazy how everyone's pregnancy is different and everyone carries different, has different symptoms worse, etc. I also helped give a couples shower which was so fun! Weddings are sooo exciting and engaged couples are just so cute-it always brings back sweet memories from that time in me and Josh's relationship :) and then I had my baby shower today!! It was sooo much fun and meant so much to us. It was the last one before the baby gets here..that makes it seem so close! I can't wait to get back to Memphis now and put all the stuff in the baby's room! Josh finished putting the dresser together so it's just waiting for me to fill it up!


  1. ahh that's so crazy that you are going to go home and fill up the baby's dresser! how exciting! Do you have everything that you need, or are there still things that you have to get?

    1. I know it's really crazy! I got a bunch of stuff I needed this weekend, but we still need the carseat and mattress and a couple little things. The carseat I had picked out apparently like isn't even being made anymore haha..we haven't used any of our giftcards yet though so we'll those on that.
