We hope that through this we'll be able to share with our family and friends what's happening in our lives and what God's teaching us through it. Hope you enjoy reading about the joys, trials, and fun times of our family!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Officially not homeowners

So after being in our house in Prairieville for a whole 6 months we have sold our house! The closing was yesterday and it was definitely bittersweet...SOO thankful that we were able to sell it and won't be paying 2 notes for who knows how long, but sad too because we loved that house! And we never knew it would cost so much to sell a house! lol..we paid 3 times as much at the closing this time than we did at the closing when we were buying..that just seems so backwards..then at least we were getting a house but this time all we got were the curtains we took with us haha ..but ohh well...hopefully the house will be a blessing to the guy who bought it! For now we're renting and it's perfect for us at this point :)